Berlin Brass is the last main library installment to Orchestral Tool’s Berlin Series. This library features a massive collection of divisi and ensemble brass instruments that includes a full range of articulations. Berlin Brass is designed to give composers the tools they need to create any style of music from chorales to epic fanfares. Berlin Brass retails for € 799 and you can learn more at Orchestral Tools.
“I’m simply blown away by the amount of content in this library. At just over 185 gb, Berlin Brass gives me the control I’ve been looking for when it comes to true orchestration. This library gives me the power to work with 11 individual instruments with the capabilities of stacking and building ensemble sizes in upwards of 8 players. The tone and clarity of this library is among my favorites.”
Review Disclaimer: This review is not sponsored. All thoughts and views expressed in this review are honest and 100% based on my own experience with this product. This library was kindly sent to me by the developers for review.