Evolution Atlantica is Keep Forest’s latest release. Following up from their critically acclaimed library, Evolution Dragon, Atlantica features an updated interface with twice as many samples. Geared towards Trailer composers, Evolution Atlantica offers a sample pack full of any sound you would need to enhance your musical sound design. Evolution Atlantica retails for $199 and you can learn more by checking out Keep Forest.
“Evolution Atlantica is stock full of samples that will cover any composer’s needs when it comes to musical sound design. The inclusion of raw WAV files makes this a tool that appeals to both composers and sound designers.”
Pros and Cons
I’ve reviewed a lot of libraries that cover the idiom of Trailer music and sound design. For the most part, the types of content never change. Evolution Atlantica may feature some of the tried and true sounds that are topping the trailer tracks of today but the engine that controls them offers a creative twist which makes it a great tool for any type of composer.
The 4 layer step sequencer is at the heart of this library. Offering you control of 32 steps for rhythm, gate, panning, and filtered FX all independently is extremely powerful. Couple that with Keep Forest’s randomization features and you have near endless control over complex patterns that can take a simple sample to the next level. With all of that control comes the learning curve. Evolution Atlantica’s GUI is universal across the library and many features do not work with certain types of samples. Some patches let you know and others do not. If you do end up getting this library, you will need to take plenty of time to work through all of the features as it is not very clear in the manual or online resources provided by Keep Forest.
Personally, I found all of the sounds to fit perfectly into the trailer music genre but they still have a character that feels cohesive to this library and unlike the other tools I’ve used before. I love the inclusion of the open WAV samples for simple drag and drop into my DAW as I’ve been called on to do more sound design with each gig I take. Evolution Atlantica is a solid workhorse library that features an all-in-one palette of samples that will fit in perfectly with any musical sound designer’s workflow.
Review Disclaimer: This review is not sponsored. All thoughts and views expressed in this review are honest and 100% based on my own experience with this product. This library was kindly sent to me by the developers for review.